Child Care Assistance
There are a number of ways parents can get help covering the cost of child care. Until the verification process for eligibility for any sliding fee or subsidy is complete, the highest rate will be charged.
Sliding Fee Scale
The Children’s Programs assess fees on a sliding fee scale based on total adjusted gross household income (verification required). Questions about qualifying for the sliding fee scale should be directed to the Bennett Family Center at 865-4057 or Child Care Center at Hort Woods at 863-0267. Parents/guardians do not need to be Penn State students, faculty or staff to qualify for sliding fee. Eligibility for sliding fee is usually determined once per year, normally prior to signing a new contract for July of each year. In cases where there has been a substantial change in household income since the last verification, a family has the option to re-verify.
Penn State Employees
If you are employed by Penn State you have the option of using the Dependent Care Reimbursement Account for child care expenses. This is an alternative to the federal Child and Dependent Care Credit. Information about the Penn State Dependent Care Reimbursement Account is available from the Office of Human Resources.
Low-Income Working Families
State child care subsidies through the Child Care Information System (CCIS) may be available for low-income families through the Centre County CCIS, (814-231-1352). General information is available from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare.
Assistance through the federal tax code
Earned Income Tax Credit
This is a refundable Federal tax credit for low-income working families. The EITC reduces the amount of tax you owe, and may provide a refund. Further information is available through the United States Treasury.
Child and Dependent Care Credit
If you are working or looking for work and paid someone to care for a dependent child under age 13, you may be able to claim the credit for child and dependent care expenses. Further information is available through the web site for the United States Treasury.